- To focus attention and stimulate the study of health-related physical activity and fitness in Asia Including its condition, prevalence, influence, development, and promotion in personal capactity as well as the community, locally as well as in Asia, regions, which are related to the overall health and social benefits.
- To provide an independent body of healthcare, exercise and fitness professionals involved in both basic and applied research as well as health.
- To encourage research and promotion in all facets and development of health physical activity and fitness.
- To provide a better understanding of health-related physical activity and fitness to healthcare, exercise and fitness professionals and to the general public.
- To seek affiliation with international bodies to ensure the best possible exchange of information about the research and promotion of the epidemiological, physiological, psychological, sociological, nutritional, behavioral and educational aspects of health-related physical activity and fitness.
- With the prior approval of the authority concerned, to compile, print, publish and distribute brochures and / or journal by experts detailing information about health-related physical activity and fitness.
- To receive donations in the form of cash and/or bonds and /or share certificates and/or any other properties from any person or group of persons and also to borrow or raise money and to invest and deal with money so derived fro the purpose of enhancing he scientific research and promotion of health-related physical activity and fitness.